We're Knox Networking

We Help Businesses Like Yours Grow

Knox Networking is different from other networking groups. Here, we put building relationships with business owners first. The referrals come naturally!


Completely category exclusive networking so you lock out your competition.

Online Directory

Members get a business listing on our website that helps their company rank in search.


We host multiple workshops and events that help business owners learn things like SEO.


Each week, we help members through challenges or issues they're facing in business.

Why Networking?

People Do Business With Those They Trust

We’re a category exclusive networking group, so by joining one of our chapters, you lock out all your competition. Build relationships first and once people trust you, the referrals come naturally!

  • No long term contracts
  • Visit two meetings completely free to see if we’re a good fit
  • Exclusive benefits and discounts are available for members

Let's Talk

Are You Ready for Success?

Enter your email below and we’ll send you information on how Knox Networking can change everything!


Choose Your Plan

Both plans give you access to the same great features, but paying annually saves you an extra $50 – It’s like getting two months free!

* Both plans are subject to a $99 non-refundable membership fee that covers your first year.
* After your first year, both plans are subject to a $49 non-refundable renewal fee.

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Helping Knoxville Businesses

Our community is full of wonderful places and business owners just like you.
Together we can help each other grow!

Let's Talk

Are You Ready for Success?

We’d love to hear from you! Just enter your name and info below and a member of our team will reach
out to you as soon as possible.

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